
tateyama yukinoootani sightseeing in JAPAN

hello everyone, thank you for coming to this blog.also,i'm appriciate for meeting with you. this time is good oppotunity for you. ready go!!! i'll introduce you about japanese famous traveling spot. and i went to here about 6 years ago or so. please look at bellow the picture.📷


how was this picture? when i was go to there,i thout that i couldn't say anything,just i moved. i think that everyone can't believe that when you watch them. becouse this high wall was made of 'just snow'. if your country doesn't have them may be,it makes you be a good experiences. so i'll give you some pices of information. here you are,(tell) 0764-81-1145 (this adress) Murodo, Tateyama-machi Nakaniikawa-gun, Toyama prefecture, in Japan (how to access) there are two ways. you can get the special bus from the 'arupen village'.you can grab the cable car and special from the 'tateyama station'.

(special bus📷)

(cable car📷)

(how long time) in case of the day trip,you can back to the start point after 6 hours.

(Highest snow wall point📷)

this is the highest snow wall point. can you understand that how big wall? can you see some peoples? so you can compare with that. there is the wall about more than 20m. It will be 5 high if you line up the bus vertically and The elevation is about 2500 meters high as well. ⚠️don't for get the season to go there! generally speaking,the best watch season is middle of Aplil to middle of jun within a year. so please need to put them in your mind. and if you're able to come here,you can see the 'japanese sea' from the mountains as well. watch out‼︎like this way!

(japanese sea📷)

beautiful view with mountain. and don't worrie about your hotels. if you wn'na sty in hotel you can possible. becouse there are them near by 'yukinoootani' like a roge. ⚠️especially,this area is really really couldest area.so please prepare to some warm goods if you come to here.also i hope that you're traveling will be better than another tavelling,thank you for readig the blog‼️

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