hello guys!i'll tell you about traveling of the koala zoo today.i went to the brisbane to traveling for 1 year ago.
and then,was looking for the sightseeing when arrived there.i found that from on the internet,it wrotes,there is the koala zoo near by brisbane.that's why,i came to there straight a way.not so difficult to go.just using the bus
from the city NO.445 or 430 bus.you can go to there by it about 45 minutes enough.but make sure your ticket when you buy it.becouse it has a go card.that's like a discount ticket.so you can use bus,train,sometimes are ship exp only that.and you can available that in the NSW state.if you go to another state,should buy other one!
please look at this!
this is the koala zoo.please see the below.
I took the movie here!
【this is the sigh of the koara zoo】
here is the oldest histories zoo also,biggest one than the other country in the world.you have to pay enter fee for adlut 38 AUSD,child 22 AUSD.business houre is from 9 to 5pm.so please be carful the time.first,surprised.because it has a 130 koalas in the zoo.and can hug to koala as we'll.
the place is eat place with see the koalas.when you looking it,your hurt is getting more confortable.become a lirax.
when i was come here,could take the fine picture.haha.can you see this one?
that's all good!koala parent and child!i remained the special landscape on my memories even now.later,changed the place to go to koala's touch place.
you can touch to koalas here all one.and there are many show time every day next to here.snakes,sheep and there are others.if you wann'a hug to koala also take a photes with it,it costs about 25 AUSDs fine including picture fee.please watch this!
this is kangaroo section,if you came,can give to kangaroo feed.also,touch the kangaroo with you.
so cute!haha.how was all?if you come here,can glab more life experiences.so plese go to there some day when you go to brisbane.
finally,i teach the adress for you.
【708 Jesmond Rd, Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069,Australia】tell:61 7 3378 1366
thank you for readings,hope that you are become a nice trip!
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