
kanagawa sightseeing enoshima and tsuruokahachimangu in JAPAN

hallo everyone! i'll introduce you traveling which place is good in Kanagawa prefecture this time. i can recommend you enoshima and tsuruokahachimangu


this place is belongs to Kanagawa prefecture in JAPAN. there was beautiful view in here. it has dark history. it was made by MINAMOTONO YORITOMO. he was general at that time about 1000 years ago from now. but this building was burned in 1191. that's why it was make new one. also, this place called 'BUMON's got' like a got of SAMURAI from everyone at that time. so everyone wanted pray in here. when i was go to there that i felt like a power as a power spot. generally speaking there are some effect like a amulet,health,marriage and so on. so i recommend to go cupples when you have boyfriend or girlfriend.

(the name of the add.📷)

*adress 2-1-31,yukinoshita city of kamakura,kanagawa prefecture,in japan.
 *tell:0467-22-0315 *how to access(two ways) *you can get there by car about 40 minutes from yokohmama city.*you can get the train from Yokohama staition to there about 40 minutes.after this place's sightseeing,i went to the iland 'enoshima'. that one has belongs to pacific ocan in JAPAN.🏖 here is really small iland but it has convince. becouse you can get some food like a eat and food.and you can get some marine sports,go to the aquarium and shopping as well. especially,the most famous things is to do the surfing. so everyone comes here from the domestic.


there were so many hotels around here. so you don't worry about it if you go to there. and you can come to there by train 'enoden'  .enoden is more famous train in japan. becouse it run a thin railway between the houce and the house.like this!!

📷 really narrow railway.

i was ittle bit scared when i getting on. and this train rus ocean side so i feel refreshed.

(the staition 'enoshima'📷)

if you come here, you'll might be see the people who is wearing the swimwear. *
adress Katase, city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa prefectur, in japan *tell:0466-25-3480 there two ways to go there! *you can go there by car about 55 minutes from the yokohama city.*you can go there by train about 1 an hour from the yokohama staition. please come to play.

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